Sunday, July 31, 2011

rest in peace ARRUDA

I am a proud wife of Tanner Nelsen. I have been supporting him in the army for 7 years now. He is my Hero. I am sooooo in love with him. He is such a sweet husband and has done a wonderful job of supporting me through 2 deployments. I can always feel his love for me. He has lost One of his Amazing battle buddies. what a strong set of guys he is with. Every one of them are amazing. It will be a rough road ahead, how ever CPL ARRUDA Will never be forgotten. I love our soldiers and will always support them.
I hope you enjoy this movie i made of the funeral. I got permission from his father to video tape and take photos. I made this on behalf of our soldiers still in afghanistan fighting. we pray for your comfort and safety.
Tanner I love you with all my heart. You are my best friend and forever my HERO

P.s I hope this copy will show up good. The one i have on my computer is the actual one.sometimes blogs dont present the best quality.

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